Category: Books
Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
Positioning — The Battle For Your Mind by Jack Trout and Al Ries I have long heard how good this book is. Yet, I only just now read it. I should have read it ages ago. It is brief, and it so clearly shows how you should position your business or product. We all […]
Anything You Want by Derek Sivers
I really enjoyed this short read. It’s an encouraging book. Derek has a way of getting to the core of what your problems are. Do you really need a business plan? Do you really need to do things the way everyone else does? Isn’t there some other way? Here are my notes from the book: […]
Should Depression Be Called Melancholia?
A good question: Should depression be called melancholia? Or perhaps something else? What’s wrong with the term depression? I read William Styron’s Darkness Visible. In it, he discusses his dealings with severe depression. He was able to recover after almost seven weeks in the hospital. It’s worth reading his story, as he has insights into the […]
Brain Pickings – Fantastic Resource for Interesting Books
If you love books, you must visit Maria Popva’s site is wonderful, and she finds the most interesting reads from a wide range of topics. Sign up for her free email newsletter, and you receive one email every Sunday showing off all the best posts from that week. I only wish I had known […]